Thursday, July 14, 2005

Taking a Stab at This Whole Blogging Thing

Eventually, if a technology lingers there in front of your nose long enough, it crosses through the mind to actually, you know, give it a try. What with me being a writer and all, and blogs being so much about flinging words around, you'd think such a thought would occur to me a little sooner than it did--and in fact, yes, it did occur to me much sooner than this. But then there's the whole inertia problem, namely the massive amount of time required for me to actually say Okay, yes, I will now not-later-now actually try this.

So. Words, being flung around. Except in this case, by me.

Things That Are Going On Lately, In Case You Were Wondering: the film I helped produce, Zen Noir, is pretty much done with its festival-going life, and won several lovely awards, as can be seen on the site. There are still some interesting theatrical and/or DVD release scenarios being considered, but I can't really talk about them. The director of that film, Marc Rosenbush, is working with me on another script, an adaptation of James Morrow's City of Truth. Then there is my original script Beaudry, which is almost ready, and Marathon (about the Battle of Marathon in 480 BC and the famous Marathon runner, Phedippides), which is done--both these will soon be going out into the world as I start the hunt for an agent.

There is also The Alien, a character created by the actor Ezra Buzzington. I had never done any video or film editing before, but sat in for several of the Zen Noir sessions; and since I had iMovie just sitting there on my computer, I volunteered to take a stab at doing the editing for these very short Alien pieces. The results (with Marc Rosenbush directing, and sitting next to me while I edit) have been pretty good so far, and Ezra certainly likes them.

There. A start. Some words flung around, and sites where you can go and look at interesting things. As good a beginning as any other, I hope. Ciao.

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