Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Miscellanii Aye-Aye-Aye

Work Machine

What busy little bees we were. Marc and I got together Saturday morning to work on the City of Truth script, beginning at page 32; by the time we finished working Sunday afternoon, we were on page 50. Gotta love the second act. We spent ages writing and rewriting the first act, but now things are really starting to jump. And once we were done with that, we immediately headed over to Ezra's to shoot more Alien material, discovering (for about the billionth time) that having an actual shot list really does make your day move faster. When Marc announced we were done everyone just kinda looked around, saying "Really? But how could we--I mean, that was so fast!"

Ah, Politics

I ran across this article the other day, a commencement speech that Theodore Sorensen (special counsel to JFK) gave to the New School last year. It's called "A Time to Weep," and the portrait Sorensen paints of the America we ought to have is so movingly right that, yes, I did want to weep as I read it.

And apropos of nothing, I want to repeat in public a prediction I made in private shortly after the 2004 election: at some point, probably about halfway through Bush's current term, Dick Cheney will announce that his heart problems require him to step down as Vice President. A new VP will be quickly named, and will promptly become the anointed successor to George Bush, the conservative standard-bearer for the next election. Doubt me? Just notice the small news items that have been popping up recently about Cheney getting his pacemaker checked and his health examined. Routine stuff or laying the groundwork?

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