Thursday, April 09, 2009

About That Wascally Ayn Wand

So I'm still fascinated by Ayn Rand, and honest, I'm looking at the material on the website in the hope that I'll find some ideas that don't drive me up a wall. (Some success, but then up the wall again.) And I'll probably report on what I find sometime later. But for now, there's this--prominent Ayn Rand scholar Yaron Brook, providing a video intro to the site...

Because honest, the absolute last thing I expected was that the man would sound like Elmer Fudd...


Richard said...

One simply cannot grasp Ayn Rand by reading a bit here and there. One has to conscientiously read Rand's fiction page by page, idea by idea, metaphor by metaphor, just to get started! On each, one must think about what he has seen in the real world that actually matches what she is writing about. One must even look into one's own mind (introspect) to see if one's own views actually lend one for, or against, what she describes. Then one must decide what to do about that introspective discovery.

Then it gets even harder, when one must examine her non-fiction. Place yourself in the position of the one responsible, again and again, and ask yourself where your life is wasted, and whether conflicting ideas actually help or hinder the lives of those about whom you care.

Yep, Brook as a problem with 'W's and says 'R's as if they were 'W's, oh well, it gives his character an unexpected twist that alludes to a temporary source of Western humor (Elmer).

Robert Toombs said...

See, when I read fiction I prefer to read every third page, with an alternate inversion of the book after every triad of threes. Will that do?

Richard said...

You could wait for the movie, then sit beside a screaming baby, sneering Lefty or protesting Righty. Of course, only the baby would be honest.

Great captcha: "slytical".
(I just had to share.)