Sunday, June 22, 2008

George Carlin

And then right after finishing the last entry, I went to my homepage and saw that George Carlin just died. Crap.

Carlin was the first comedian I ever loved. Back in the Laugh-In days, he did a routine called The Hippie Dippy Weatherman, featuring such gems as

...and the forecast for tonight is dark, with scattered light toward morning...

He had an absurdist's sensibility, but he was just as sharp about politics and culture, as we all know. (His routine about the differences between football and baseball is simply spectacular--brilliantly written and funny as hell.) And as a wordsmith, he used language better than any comedian since Twain. (No surprise that just Tuesday it was announced that Carlin would be given this year's Twain Award.)

Heart attack, just this afternoon, just down the road in Santa Monica. I say again: crap.

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