Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I am, as I have said before, not-yet-rich. I live from paycheck-to-paycheck like so many people do, and when a change in my expenses happens (as it will next month when my rent goes up--even though it's rent control--and my parking space gets more expensive as well), then it's a real struggle to find the extra money. Extra money that buys me nothing extra, it just keeps things as they are. This struggle gets truly depressing sometimes, like when friends invite me somewhere and I don't go because I can't afford it.

But for perspective, there's this: the Global Rich List, a website that allows you to plug in your annual salary and see where your income ranks against the rest of the world. My income--my not-yet-rich income that just barely covers what I need it to cover, with almost nothing left over--nonetheless puts me in the top 1% of everyone on the planet. And if that don't turn your head and make you feel a little stupid about your belly-aching, then there's no hope for you.

Go to the site. Put in your income. Marvel at the result. Then go and donate some money somewhere--you are far more blessed than you ever realized, and it's time to give something back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definately is a wake up. I did marvel at where I stand...it does certainly put things in perspective.