Sunday, January 01, 2006

Snappy New Year

Congratulations to everyone: the earth has successfully gone round the sun once more, and most of us have lived to tell the tale. And since one point on a circle is as good as any other to serve as your starting point, well then, welcome to the new.

There's a Scots saying that I heard once (or at least I heard it was the Scots, but this could all be dead wrong): the way you spend the first day of the year will determine the shape of your year to come. Last year, on January 1st, I remember thinking it was very important that I spend the day getting some writing done, and I did--but there were distractions, and I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. What I didn't do that day was anything that might have helped me to actually sell the writing I was doing, or to establish myself in my career. I didn't even spend any time visualizing the success that would surely follow. And sure enough, my year was exactly like that: I got some writing done, but not as much as I'd hoped; and although there are interesting tides rising here and there, my career in the year 2005 advanced exactly nowhere. Then there were certain events that turned out to be a great eduation, but that sure as hell made it difficult going much of the time.

Today? I'm spending today differently. Let's see how it goes.

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